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Blog Posts (1)
- Mercury retrograde - curse or blessing?
One phenomenon that never fails to excite the astrological community is Mercury retrograde. While some people see this period as a curse, there are also those who see it as an opportunity and a blessing. But what is actually behind Mercury retrograde and how can you make the most of this period? First of all, it is important to understand that Mercury in retrograde is not an actual reversal of the planet's motion, but an optical illusion that occurs when the Earth overtakes Mercury in its orbit. This causes it to appear as if Mercury is moving backwards through the sky. For many people, Mercury retrograde is associated with communication problems, technical glitches and delays. Misunderstandings, miscommunications and mistakes can occur during this time. Appointments can get mixed up, important information can get lost and technical devices can suddenly give up the ghost. It seems as if the curse of Mercury retrograde is messing everything up. However, there is also the other side of the coin. Many astrologers believe that Mercury retrograde can be a valuable time of reflection and inner growth. This phase encourages us to examine our communication and thought patterns. It is a time when we can confront our innermost thoughts and beliefs. By consciously looking at our communication habits, we can recognise and change old patterns. Mercury retrograde can also be seen as an opportunity to complete or revive past projects. It is a time to tackle unfinished tasks, review and finalise contracts, and clarify old relationships. By focusing on these areas of our lives, we can bring order and rid ourselves of unnecessary baggage. It is important to emphasise that Mercury retrograde is not meant to sabotage us or make our lives miserable. Rather, it is an opportunity to consciously pay attention to our communication and thought process. By taking time to reflect and rethink old patterns, we can evolve and grow. Ultimately, it is up to us how we use Mercury retrograde. By consciously adapting to the challenges and improving our communication and thinking, we can see this time as a blessing. Mercury retrograde can help us understand ourselves better and find new ways of communicating that will strengthen us in the long run. So let's not see Mercury retrograde as a curse, but as an opportunity to improve ourselves and enrich our communication. Let's use this time to connect with our inner voice and develop our full potential. Ultimately, everyone must decide for themselves how they want to act during this special time.
Other Pages (29)
- Astrologie & Sternzeichen | Eigenschaften der Sternzeichen | Psychologische Astrologie
Astrology & Zodiac In astrology, the zodiac signs are the most basic elements for interpreting the horoscope. The basic characteristics of the zodiac signs are listed below. Aries (Aries) details bull (Taurus) details Twins (Gemini) details Cancer (Cancer) details Lion (Leo) details Virgo (virgo) details Scale (libra) details Scorpio (Scorpio) details Protect (Sagittarius) details Capricorn (Capricorn) details Aquarius (Aquarius) details fish (pisce) details
- important dates 2021 | Astro Tarot Runen
Important dates in 2021 Mercury Retrograde - Dates Mercury is retrograde several times a year for about three weeks and is symbolic of commerce, communication, relationships and business. 1/30/2021 – 2/21/2021 retrograde in Aquarius 05/30/2021 – 06/23/2021 declining in Gemini 09/27/2021 – 10/18/2021 declining in Libra In the period of Mercury retrograde, you should avoid the following things: Booking a trip/holiday Sign important contracts (e.g. job, education, etc.) New beginnings (relationships, marriage... wouldn't start under a lucky star...) Major purchases or investments (e.g. buying a car, buying a house, etc.) Foundations (e.g. companies) What do you recommend during Mercury retrograde? End old projects Repairs can be carried out Existing problems can be "reconsidered" and offer new solutions Finish things that have been put off for a long time (e.g. tax return) create order and clean up Mars retrograde dates Mars goes retrograde about every two years and two months for about sixty to eighty days and primarily affects strength, energy and aggressiveness. 30.10.2022 – 12.01.2023 When Mars is retrograde, don't do the following: Operations (extremely important for healing and follow-up treatments) => Ask me if necessary! Avoid going to the dentist, it could end up being very painful Avoid buying a car or visiting a workshop Be careful with dangerous sports - high risk of injury What do you recommend during Mars retrograde? Go into self-love and mindfulness In the event of arguments, it is better to pause and reflect on yourself It is best to avoid unnecessary arguments
- Rückläufiger Merkur - Fluch oder Segen? | Psychologische Astrologie Tarot Runen & Geolocation Erding München Freising
Retrograde Mercury Der Rückläufige Merkur bringt unser Leben 2-3x jährlich durcheinander - Fluch oder Segen? contact contact D er rückläufige Merkur bezeichnet eine Periode in der Astrologie, in der der Planet Merkur in eine gegenläufige Richtung läuft, die der normalen Bewegungsrichtung genau entgegengesetzt ist - zumindest in der optischen Wahrnehmung. Man nennt diese Bewegung auch retrograde Bewegung. Die Zeit für den rückläufigen Merkur findet 2-3x im Jahr für jeweils ca. 3 Wochen statt. Dieser Zeitraum stellt meist eine Herausforderung für unsere Kommunikation, Planung und Entscheidungsfindung dar. Die aktuellen Daten zum rückläufigen Merkur finden Sie hier. Während dieser Zeit können wir mit Kommunikationsproblemen konfrontiert werden, sowohl auf persönlicher als auch auf beruflicher Ebene. Es ist wichtig, dass wir uns gegenseitig richtig verstehen, um Missverständnisse und Konflikte zu vermeiden. Auch beim Unterschreiben von Verträgen und Vereinbarungen sollten wir vorsichtig sein, damit wir keine wichtigen Details übersehen, denn leider passiert das in diesem Zeitraum nur allzu oft. Darüber hinaus verursacht der rückläufige Merkur oft Probleme mit der Technik, der Kommunikation und dem Reisen, wo ich selber schon Flugreisen hatte, die verspätet, umgebucht oder gänzlich storniert worden sind. Es ist also wichtig, auf mögliche Überraschungen vorbereitet zu sein und im Voraus zu planen. Trotz all dieser Herausforderungen kann der rückläufige Merkur uns auch die Gelegenheit bieten, unsere Pläne und Ziele zu überdenken. Es kann eine Zeit sein, in der wir auf unsere inneren Bedürfnisse achten und neue Wege finden können, um unsere Ziele zu erreichen. Insgesamt kann der rückläufige Merkur mehrfach im Jahr eine Herausforderung und damit ein Fluch sein, aber er kann genauso auch eine Chance für Wachstum und Entwicklung bieten, wenn wir bereit sind, mit einem offenen Geist und der Bereitschaft zur Veränderung an ihn heranzugehen und damit auch ein Segen. Die aktuellen Daten zum rückläufigen Merkur finden Sie hier.